Denotation & Connotation

 Denotation & Connotation blog tasks: advert analysis

Create a new blogpost in your GCSE Media blog called 'Denotation and connotation'.

1) Write an analysis of the WaterAid advert above using denotation, connotation and analysis. What can you see? What are the deeper meanings in the advert? What does the advert communicate to the audience? How might an audience react after seeing the advert?

Denotation: In this ad we can see a young boy next to the words dig toilets not graves(verbal codes).It also features the brand water aid (written code) to promote there branding. We can also see the background refers to where the boy is living in and how he needs our help (symbolic code).The facial expression of the young boy shows he is desperate of needing help(verbal codes). We can see that his clothes aren't really in the best condition and quality.

Connotation: The words dig toilets and not graves shows us that they are trying to refer to there safety meaning if they have more toilets then there is less risk of death. The brand water aid helps the audience to be aware to help out other people to help provide a good lifestyle as a way of marketing
g there advertisement. The facial expressions tends to let us assume on what happen without being said. This implies that the company's is trying to draw attention. The clothes on the young boy suggests he's living in poverty and that he is malnourished.

2) Now choose your own choice of advert from Google images. Save it to your documents, insert it into your blogpost and write an analysis using denotation and connotation, explaining what the advert is communicating to the audience.

Denotation-We can see an advert for Nike that says ''speed kills'' (Verbal codes).It also shows shoes as a jail mugshot photo making this picture represent a metaphor (narrative codes).We can also see there trade mark logo which shows what brand is advertising there shoes so that the audience can purchase off them. We can see that the poster has no colour making it seem more tense and dramatic (Symbolic code).There is also a small amount of description on the poster (written codes).We can also see  small details in the corner of the advert.

Connotation-we can infer that that the words speeds kill is a way to attract people who do races for sports as killing your speed means your running fast and it refers to cars meaning there marketing there shoes as fast shoes. This advertisement helps attract people who tend to run a lot. The big words for speed kills makes it stand out with huge letters and a dark background. This poster can attract attention for the bold font used in this. There trademark brings people who use or own Nike products as Nike is a recognizable brand.


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